Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan

Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan
Қазақстан коммунистік халық партия,
Коммунистическая народная партия Казахстана
Leader Vladislav Kossarev
Founded 2004
Headquarters Astana, Kabanbay batyr ave., h. 14. off. 7
Ideology Communism
Politics of Kazakhstan
Political parties

Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan (CPPK) (Kazakh: Қазақстан коммунистік халық партия (ҚКХП), Russian: Коммунистическая народная партия Казахстана (КНПК)) is a political party in Kazakhstan. Secretaries of the Central Committee are Vladislav Kossarev, Tulesh Kenzhin and Zhambyl Akhmetbekov. Party was registered on June 21, 2004. At the time of registration party consisted of 90 000 members[1]. Following the 2004 elections to Mazhilis the party received 1.98% of total votes. In 2007 elections to Mazhilis the party won 1.29% of the votes and did not pass the electoral threshold.



The party emerged due to the split of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan (CPK). The idea to create a new party belongs to the 12 members of the Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakhstan, who withdrew its membership because of the disagreements with the first secretary of the CPK's Central Committee Serikbolssyn Abdildin[2]. The reason for the split with the CPK was the election of as a secretary of CPK a member of Mazhilis Tolen Tokhtassynov[3]. About 15 thousand members left CPK for CPPK. The founding congress CPPK took place in April 2004, on June 21, 2004 the party was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan[2].

Following the elections to Mazhilis in 2004 party received 1.98% of total voters (proportional system) and did not pass into Parliament[2].

In 2005 presidential elections CPPK nominated Yerassyl Abylkassymov as its candidate who received 0.34% of the votes[4].

On March 28, 2007 CPPK and CPK held a joint press conference at which they announced an impending merger. CPPK subsequently abandoned the association with the CPK because of the sharp political differences[2]. At a press conference in June 2007, Secretary of CPPK Vladislav Kossarev named the fact that the Communist Party of Kazakhstan was considering associations with CPPK only at the highest level (Bureaus of Central Committee) as the main reason for refusing to merge, at the same time according to him consideration for such merger was not provided at local level. Leader of CPPK said also that structures of CPK has been completely destroyed and the authority of the party among the people has been reduced to zero-level[5].

In elections to Mazhilis in 2007 the party won 1.29% of total votes and did not pass the electoral threshold to Parliament[1].


The party states that its target is a move to a society of genuine democracy, social justice, general spirituality, freedom and prosperous economy based on scientific and technological progress and principles of scientific socialism. According to the CPPK ideology a centerpiece of the society shall be a citizen with full civic rights and liberties, opportunities for development and manifestation of their abilities, as well as abilities to satisfy his diverse needs[6].

To achieve this goal the party has set itself the following tasks[6]:


Membership for citizens of Kazakhstan aged from 18 in the CPPK is voluntary, individual, fixed, confirmed with party's ID[6].

The organizational structure of the CPPK is based on the territorial principle. Organizational fundamentals of the party are primary party organizations which are created by three or more party's members with decision of meeting which has to be approved by a regional or municipal party's committee. Branches and representations of the party represent party's policy to population, cooperate with state executive and representative bodies, political and social groups, have their own seal and letterhead[6].

As of July 2010, CPPK has 1,868 primary party organizations, 178 district committees, 33 city committees and 14 regional committees as well as 2 city committees in the cities of national importance (Astana and Almaty).

The supreme body of CPPK is the Congress convened by the Central Committee at least once in four years. The party's Central Committee organizes and coordinates the entire party's work. Central Committee's meetings (plenary sessions) shall be held at least once in six months[6].

Supervisory bodies of the party are the Central control-revision commission elected by the Congress of CPPK, as well as regional, urban and regional control-revision commissions created in branches and offices of the party at party's conferences in conjunction with their governing bodies, control-revision commissions of primary party organizations elected at general meetings. The control-revision commission is accountable to highest authorities (party's Congress, conferences, branches and representative collections of primary organizations)[6].


CPPK has a flag and an emblem approved by the Congress of party. The flag is a red flag with a ratio of the flag's width to its length. At the top of the flag a bas-relief of Vladimir Lenin is represented. Along the top of the flag name of the party is written in Kazakh and Russian languages («Қазақстан Коммунистік Халық партия» — «ҚКХП», «Коммунистическая Народная партия Казахстана» — «КНПК»)[6].
